"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day One

     Well, this is awkward. Hi there. I'm Katherine. I left all the areas describing me blank because I never know what to write in them. Where do I even start? I love Jane Austen, C. S. Lewis, Tolkien, Supernatural, Ghost Hunters, and pretending to be a housewife. Yeah, the title of my blog is kind of misleading. Sorry about that. Hope we can still be friends! I actually work a fairly normal desk job. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, Monday through Friday. Someday, though, I really think I'd love nothing more than to be a housewife. I know, I know, I'm setting us back a hundred years. Sue me. (Just kidding, please don't. I have nothing of value.)

     All I know is, right now, the idea of a quiet life in a little house in the country appeals to me. Then again, I wanted to be a gypsy pickpocket when I was six, an Elf (Tolkien, not Santa), a vet up until I was 16, an actress (who is forced to marry Gerard Butler when WW3 breaks out while I'm visiting the UK. We raise sheep and border collies in a tiny cottage in the Scottish countryside. I was a weird kid.) until I was 18, and an assistant stage manager for a while (because I was too chubby to make it as a performer). Once I wanted to be Cate Blanchett's personal assistant after watching Devil Wears Prada. Today I want to be a housewife.

     I'm way closer to becoming this than anything else I've ever wanted to be! Husband: check. Home: check. A million daily chores and people and animals to care for: check. The financial stability to stay home and focus on creating a domestic heaven: errrrr.... let me get back to you.

     "What are you even talking about? She's just rambling. Why am I reading this?" I don't know! I'm not writing this expecting to get followers or a fanbase or money. I guess this is just another attempt at keeping a journal of sorts. Will I blog everyday? Probably not. Will this be something other people care about and want to read? Hopefully! Will I chronicle my victories and misadventures as a young, inexperienced wife in this crazy world? That's the plan. And who knows, I may even post some recipes. Because I'm fancy like that.

     So stick around if you want! I can be pretty funny sometimes. ("Nagatha Christie. Hehe.... I'm funny in the wall.") In the meantime, I'm going to type. And work. And do laundry. And maybe find my purpose somewhere along the way. Until next time!

     - Katherine

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